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Challenges and Solutions
29 Apr, 2023

What internal auditors should be aware of

Internal auditors play a critical role in ensuring that their organizations comply with regulatory requirements. However, keeping up with regulatory changes can be a daunting task, given the pace and complexity of the regulatory landscape. In this response, I will discuss some of the challenges certified internal auditors face in keeping up with regulatory changes. Provide some solutions to help address these challenges.



Rapidly changing regulations

The regulatory environment is constantly evolving, with new regulations and amendments being introduced frequently. Keeping up with these changes can be challenging for internal auditors who must stay up to date with all the relevant regulations.


Complex regulations

Regulations are often complex and difficult to interpret, which can make it challenging for internal auditors to understand the requirements and assess compliance.

Multiple jurisdictions

Organizations may operate in multiple jurisdictions, each with its own regulatory requirements. Internal auditors must be aware of the requirements in each jurisdiction and ensure compliance.

Limited resources

Internal audit departments may have limited resources, including time, personnel, and technology, which can make it difficult to keep up with regulatory changes and assess compliance.



Establish a regulatory monitoring system

Internal auditors can establish a regulatory monitoring system to track changes in regulations and assess the impact on the organization. This system can include subscriptions to regulatory news services, regular monitoring of regulatory websites, and participation in industry forums and conferences.


Establish a regulatory compliance program

Internal auditors can establish a regulatory compliance program that outlines the organization’s regulatory requirements, procedures for monitoring compliance, and reporting and escalation protocols. The program should be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary.


Leverage technology

Internal auditors can leverage technology to help monitor regulatory changes and assess compliance. This can include using automated tools to monitor regulatory websites, analyze regulatory changes, and identify areas of non-compliance.


Collaborate with stakeholders

Internal auditors can collaborate with stakeholders, such as legal and compliance teams, to stay up to date with regulatory changes and ensure compliance. This collaboration can help ensure that internal audit activities are aligned with the organization’s overall compliance efforts.


Develop a training program

Internal auditors can develop a training program to help employees understand regulatory requirements and their responsibilities for compliance. This can include training on specific regulations, such as data privacy laws or anti-money laundering regulations.


In conclusion, keeping up with regulatory changes is a critical aspect of internal audit work. By establishing a regulatory monitoring system, developing a compliance program, leveraging technology, collaborating with stakeholders, and developing a training program, internal auditors can help ensure that their organizations remain compliant with regulatory requirements.

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